Specialized and Primary Optometric Eye Care
Signs and Symptoms
Behavior Observed
Suspected Deficit
Focusing problems
Accommodative problem
Possible Third nerve injury
Covering or closing an eye
Third, Fourth Sixth nerve injury
Blurred, or fluctuating vision
Accommodative spasm
Binocular disorder
Refractive error
Headaches with use of eyes
Accommodative insufficiency
Convergence insufficiency
Binocular disorder
Diplopia (Double vision)
Third, Fourth, Sixth nerve injury
Loss of place when reading
Oculo-motor dysfunction in saccades
Visual attention deficit
Spatial relations deficit
Visual field loss and/or neglect
Occipital cortex injury
Parietal cortex injury
Tendency to reread and/or reversals
Oculo-motor dysfunction in saccades
Visual attention deficit
Spatial relations deficit
Head tilt
Hyper or hypo-tropia
Fourth nerve injury
Asthenopia (Eye strain)
Binocular disorder, Accommodative or convergence problem
Poor attention for visual tasks
Visual perception deficit
An eye turns in, out, up, or down
Third, Fourth, Sixth nerve injury
Visual confusion
Visual perception deficit
Poor eye-hand coordination
Ataxia of smooth ocular pursuits
Visual-motor integration deficit
Poor localization
Spatial relations deficit
Depth perception deficit
Ataxia of ocular fixations,
Orientation and Mobility
Balance and Posture
Visual Problems Resulting From Brain Injury and Stroke
Although there are many visual problems that arise from brain injury and stroke, three are more devastating and impairing than the rest. These are visual field loss, intractable double vision, and visual / balance disorders.
With a visual field loss the patient loses half of their field of vision. This places the person at increased risk of further injury and harm from bumping into objects, being struck by approaching objects, and falls.
A two-fold approach is used to treat visual field loss. Visual rehabilitation activities are prescribed by the doctor and administered by the therapist to teach scanning of the hemianopic field loss. This is a difficult task. It is the act of seeing something that brings our visual attention and scanning to bear. However, these patients do not see the field they are being trained to scan and attend. Therapy is aimed at teaching that and several approaches have been developed to assist in this, but remediation still requires a lot of effort and patience.
Special visual field awareness prism lenses are used in treating visual field loss. As the patient scans into the prism the optics are shifted so as to perceptually gain about 15 to 20 degrees of visual field recognition. Since diplopia is perceived when scanning into the prism, fixation in the prism must be brief. These are used as spotting devices only to determine if there is an object in the periphery that deserves further visual attention. When such an object is spotted, the patient turns their head to view it in detail with their intact central vision.
Double vision (diplopia) is a serious and intolerable condition that can be caused by strabismus, ophthalmoplegia, gaze palsy and decompensated binocular skills in patients with brain injury, stroke and other neurologically compromising conditions. Prisms, lenses and / or vision therapy can often times help the patient achieve fusion (alignment of the eyes) and alleviate the diplopia. If and when these means are not employed, the patient may adapt by suppressing the vision of one eye to eliminate the diplopia. If lenses, prisms, and / or therapy are not successful and the patient does not suppress, intractable diplopia ensues.
In this population of patients, patching has frequently been used to eliminate the diplopia. Although patching is effective in eliminating diplopia it causes the patient to become monocular. Monocular as opposed to binocular vision will affect the individual primarily in two ways; absence of stereopsis and reduction of the peripheral field of vision. These limitations will directly cause problems in eye hand coordination, depth judgments, orientation, balance, mobility, and activities of daily living such as playing sports, driving, climbing stairs, crossing the street, threading a needle etc.
A new method of treating diplopia that does not have these limitations has been successfully evaluated. It is called the “spot patch” (invented and named by this author) and is a method to eliminate intractable diplopia without compromising peripheral vision. It is a small round or oval patch made of Transpore tape, 3-M blurring film (or another such translucent tape). It is placed on the inside of the lenses of glasses and directly in the line of sight contributing to the diplopia. The diameter is generally about one centimeter, but will vary on the individual angular subtense required for the particular strabismus, or gaze palsy.
Visual balance disorders can be caused by oculo-motor dysfunction in fixations, nystagmus, and disruptions of central and peripheral visual processing. A full description of these disorders is beyond the scope of this paper. The treatment will depend on the visual diagnosis and etiology. Lenses, prisms and visual rehabilitation activities are used in the remediation of these disorders.
Visual Field Loss
Hemianopsia (Loss of half of the field of view right or left)
Quadranopsias (Loss of about 1/4 sector of the visual field)
Central Loss
Peripheral Loss
Total Loss of Visual Field
Attitudinal Losses (Loss of upper or lower portion of the visual field)
Photophobia (Sensitivity to light)
Reading Disorders
Exotropia (An eye turns out)
Esotropia (An eye turns in)
Hypertropia (An eye turns up, or down)
Ophthalmoplegia (Paresis of nerves controlling eye muscles & function)
Changes in prescription can become significant
Nystagmus (Uncontrolled shaking of the eyes)
Lagophthalmos (Incomplete blink)
Dry Eye
Decreased Blink Rate
Visual Hallucinations
Anisocoria (Unequal pupil sizes)
Pupil Abnormalities
Accommodative Problems (Focusing disorders)
Convergence Problems (Eye teaming disorders)
Eye Movement Problems: Fixation, Pursuit (Tracking), Saccade (Scanning)
Headaches (Related to use of eyes)
Visual Perceptual Disturbances
Disturbances of spatial relationships
Agnosia – difficulty in object recognition
Apraxia – difficulty in manipulation of objects
Modified from a list by Allen Cohen, O.D. and Lynn Rein, O.D.