Specialized and Primary Optometric Eye Care
Traumatic brain injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis and aneurysm are examples of neurological disorders that cause vision problems. Each year millions of people suffer from one of these injuries or diseases.
Vision Rehabilitation
Double vision, visual field loss, dizziness and balance disorders, loss of vision and visual perceptual deficits are some of the devastating visual problems that occur following neurological disease and injury.
In the past there was little treatment for these conditions. Today however, thanks to work by Dr. Politzer and others around the country, new procedures are available to treat these visual problems and help people live a more full and enjoyable life.
Vision Disorders
Double Vision – Occurs when the eyes do not align and frequently occurs before neurological injury. New methods of treatment using prisms and partial selective occlusion are very effective in treating this.
Visual Field Loss – Occurs after injury or disease when vision is typically lost either to the right or left. Scanning therapy and prism systems improve awareness of the lost peripheral vision.
Dizziness and Balance – Ocular-motor control, depth perception, peripheral vision and visual midline shift affect balance. They can be impaired following neurological injury and result in dizziness and balance problems.
Visual Perceptual Problems – Visual perceptual problems in visual memory, spatial relations and speed and span of perception can cause problems with reading, comprehension, concentration, attention, depth perception and visual reactions.